An international alliance formed by Plough Back the Fruits Campaign, London Mining Network, Amnesty International UK and others protested in front of Haberdasher´s Hall before they participated in Lonmin´s Annual General Meeting.
Bishop Seoka from South Africa’s Bench Mark Foundation demanded from the Lonmin as a company to express their regret for their role in the Marikana massacre of 16th of August 2012. Bishop Seoka, Barbara Müller (Apartheid Debt and Reparations Campaing – KEESA) and Markus Dufner (Ethical Shareholders Germany) being representatives of Plough Back the Fruits Campaign spent one week in London to challenge institutional shareholders to commit to divesting from Lonmin, if a list of the organisation’s demands will not met by the company before the 5th anniversary of the Marikana masscre.
> Video: NGO Protest before Lonmin AGM: 34 Miners Killed! (LMN)
> “Avoiding responsibility”: Minutes from Lonmin AGM 2017
> The Telegraph: “Lonmin ´regrets´ Marikana massacre as protestors call for action”