Lonmin’s profits rise as Marikana community continues to suffer

Protesting Lonmin AGM

Lonmin announces solid financial performance ahead of drawn out takeover while refusing to secure 12,600 mine workers’ jobs

At Lonmin’s annual general meeting on 25 March 2019, while protesters gathered outside, the London-listed company announced profits of US$100 million. It spoke of preserving its assets rather than investing in the company ahead of a takeover bid by the gold mining giant Sibanye-Stillwater.

Lonmin executives urged shareholders to back the bid by the South African corporation, in a meeting that would have been focused on salvaging profit and shares, were it not for an alliance of Marikana solidarity groups present. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/lonmin-plc/lonmins-profits-rise-as-marikana-community-continues-to-suffer/

Campaign Plough Back the Fruits

Watching the Lonmin-BASF supply chain

The campaign aims to support the Marikana people´s fight for justice. The European initiators of the campaign are a network of independent German, Swiss and Austrian NGOs and activists. In 2014/2015 the European initiators started to join forces with partners in South Africa. Since then the campaign has been collaborating with the families of victims of the Marikana massacre, supporters and NGOs and strives to strengthen alliances with mineworker communities in Marikana, activists, researchers, NGOs and progressive unions in South Africa as well as in Europe. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/lonmin-plc/campaign-plough-back-the-fruits/

“Amandla! Awethu! Power to the People!”

South African delegation held Lonmin to account for its role in the Marikana Massacre

In March 2018, an international alliance of non-governmental organisations put pressure on British-South African mining company Lonmin, the world´s third largest platinum producer. Five years after the massacre of British-South African platinum mining company Lonmin has not fulfilled its obligations.

Since Bishop Jo Seoka attended the Lonmin AGM in January 2017 little progress has been made at Marikana, despite promises made by the company. Therefore, Bishop Seoka and two community representatives came to London to present their demands to the Lonmin management.

Before the AGM a picket was co-organised by Marikana Miners Solidarity Campaign and Decolonising Environmentalism. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/lonmin-plc/amandla-awethu-power-to-the-people/

Video: Lonmin! We demand justice for Marikana

Protest on March 15, 2018, in London

At the Annual General Meeting of the British-South African mining company Lonmin, our alliance of South African and European NGOs protested and called upon the company to provide decent living conditions for its miners. The participants of our delegation from South Africa, civil rights activist Thumeka Magwangqana from the women’s organization Sikhale Sonke (“We cry together”), Bishop Johannes Seoka and attorney Andries Nkome, ask Lonmin to take responsibility.

They demand from Lonmin to pay reparations to all dependents of the deceased mineworkers and the injured and arrested workers who survived the Marikana Massacre on 16 August 2012. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/lonmin-plc/video-lonmin-we-demand-justice-for-marikana/

“Lonmin is to apologize!”

Five years after the massacre of Marikana, Bishop  Johannes Seoka of the Bench Marks Foundation calls Lonmin for the fulfillment of promises
Ethical Shareholders and BASF Catalysts Group discuss today

An international alliance of non-governmental organizations has increased the pressure on the British-South African mining company Lonmin to show goodwill. At the general meeting of the world’s third largest platinum producer in London, the alliance led by the South African Bishop Johannes Seoka demanded that Lonmin finally make a public apology for its  complicity in the massacre of Marikana.

Individual representatives of Lonmin, such as CEO Ben Magara, regret the incidents which led to the death of 34 miners on 16 August 2012, but failed to apologize . Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/lonmin-plc/lonmin-is-to-apologize/

Plough Back the Fruits Campaign challenges British-South African Mining Company

An international alliance formed by Plough Back the Fruits Campaign, London Mining Network, Amnesty International UK and others protested in front of Haberdasher´s Hall before they participated in Lonmin´s Annual General Meeting.

Bishop Seoka from South Africa’s Bench Mark Foundation demanded from the Lonmin as a company to express their regret for their role in the Marikana massacre of 16th of August 2012. Bishop Seoka, Barbara Müller (Apartheid Debt and Reparations Campaing – KEESA) and Markus Dufner (Ethical Shareholders Germany) being representatives of Plough Back the Fruits Campaign spent one week in London to challenge institutional shareholders to commit to divesting from Lonmin, if a list of the organisation’s demands will not met by the company before the 5th anniversary of the Marikana masscre. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/lonmin-plc/plough-back-the-fruits-campaign-challenges-british-south-african-mining-company/

South African bishop to give Lonmin investors deadline for company to implement Marikana massacre commitments at London AGM

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Johannes Seoka will join international solidarity groups in London, 26 January, to demand the UK miner meets its commitments for victim compensation and improved worker living conditions before 16 August, which will mark the five year anniversary of the police massacre which killed 34 miners in 2012.

WHEN? Thursday 26 January 2017, 9:30am – 10:15am

WHERE? Outside the Lonmin AGM, Haberdashers’ Hall, 18 W Smithfield, London EC1A 9HQ

WHAT? A sombre tribute to the 34 mine workers killed by South African police in August 2012, with images of each of the murdered miners and a reading of their names, punctuated by gunshot sound effects. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/lonmin-plc/south-african-bishop-to-give-lonmin-investors-deadline-for-company-to-implement-marikana-massacre-commitments-at-london-agm/