Category: Rheinmetall

Controversial arms exports, climate protection and dividends despite short-time working: Our questions to Rheinmetall

Questions on dividend and appropriation of net income:

  • Last year you made use of short-time working, but now you want to distribute a dividend of 2.00 euros per share and thus 86 million euros in total. In your dividend policy, have you taken into account the current situation with regard to short-time working allowance, that this is currently de facto tax-financed and therefore more of a state aid in the Corona crisis than an insurance benefit?
  • In your annual report, you state that you have saved personnel costs of 33 million euros through short-time working. According to trade union information, unlike the majority of other companies in the sector, you have not topped up your employees’ short-time allowances.

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Contribution to consultation on the recommendations of the Ethics Committee for the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global

Mr. Jan Tore Sanner
Minister of Finance
Postboks 8008 Dep, 0030 Oslo

Dear Minister,

the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) has been regarded worldwide for decades as a model of investment based on ethical and ecological criteria. Investors from all over the globe follow the Pension Fund’s recommendations.

This is especially true for Germany and therefore this joint stakeholder letter from German and European organisations takes note of this year´s Ethics Committee review of the ethical investment guidelines made in April this year.

We strongly support many of the recommendations of the GPFG Ethics Committee, in particular those concerning the arms sector. Weiterlesen

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