15 results for Deutsche

Statement From Market Forces On Deutsche Bank’s Funding For New Coal Production

Deutsche Bank claims to support the goals of the Paris Agreement and achieving net zero global emissions by 2050. The bank is a signatory to the Paris Pledge for Action, the German financial sector’s Climate Commitment and the Net Zero Banking Alliance [1]. CEO Christian Sewing has also publicly stated, “The fight against climate change is probably the greatest challenge facing humanity, and we banks will have to fundamentally align ourselves with it.” [2]

Deutsche Bank’s claims must be measured against what scientific and economic expert bodies say is required to limit global warming to 1.5ºC and achieve net zero global emissions by 2050. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/deutsche-bank/statement-from-market-forces-on-deutsche-banks-funding-for-new-coal-production/

Deutsche Bank must listen to the International Energy Agency: No new investments in fossil fuels!

Our statement for the Annual General Meeting 2021 of Deutsche Bank

Dear Shareholders,

In 2015, Deutsche Bank vowed to support the Paris Agreement [1]. However, since then, Deutsche Bank’s actions have not matched its rhetoric.

Since the Paris Agreement was signed, Deutsche has been a major financier of coal, oil and gas. According to the Banking on Climate Chaos report, between 2016-2020, Deutsche provided US$30.438 billion to companies responsible for expanding fossil fuels [2]. These investments seriously undercut Deutsche Bank’s claims to support climate protection.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been clear that limiting global warming to 1.5ºC avoids many of the more severe impacts that would occur at 2ºC of warming [3]. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/deutsche-bank/deutsche-bank-must-listen-to-the-international-energy-agency-no-new-investments-in-fossil-fuels/

Financing the fossil energy sector makes Deutsche Bank a climate offender: Our countermotion

Re Agenda Item 2: Ratification of the acts of management of the members of the Management Board for the 2020 financial year

Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany proposes that ratification of the acts of management of the Management Board be refused.


The Management Board of Deutsche Bank continues to pursue a course of action that is incompatible with the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Because it provides finance to the fossil fuels sector, Deutsche Bank is part of the problem

Although Deutsche Bank toughened up its environmental policies last July and has subjected a greater number of coal and other fossil fuel companies to review and exclusion, it still remains a significant source of finance for fossil fuels. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/deutsche-bank/financing-the-fossil-energy-sector-makes-deutsche-bank-a-climate-offender-our-countermotion/

Unacceptable working conditions, suppression of trade union activities and ineffective climate protection: Our countermotions

Re Agenda item 3: Discharge of the members of the Executive Board

The Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany proposes that the actions of the members of the Board of Directors be denied discharge.


The Executive Board has once again failed to implement effective measures to protect the climate and human rights.

Human rights: Unacceptable working conditions and suppression of trade union activities

There are increasing indications that the Executive Board is not adequately addressing human rights risks in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz – LkSG), even in its own business area. This seems to be particularly true with regard to the prohibition of disregarding freedom of association, according to which employees may freely form or join trade unions, which may not be used as a reason for unjustified discrimination or retaliation, as well as the right to strike and the right to collective bargaining. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/dhl-group-deutsche-post/unacceptable-working-conditions-suppression-of-trade-union-activities-and-ineffective-climate-protection-our-countermotions/

Questions to Volkswagen following publication of audit results

Update from 19.01.2024: Volkswagen’s answers are now also published here under the respective questions.

Dear Madam or Sir,

We, the undersigned organizations, note the publication of the ESG audit results of the SAIC Volkswagen plant undertaken by Löning- Human Rights & Responsible Business GmbH. In our letter dated July 11, 2023, we expressed our extensive concerns about the credibility of an audit in the Uyghur Region.

Following the publication of the audit findings, staff from Löning posted a statement on LinkedIn, distancing themselves from the audit, claiming “no other team member from Löning participated in, supported or backed this project.” Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/volkswagen-en/questions-to-volkswagen-following-publication-of-audit-results/

Get out of financing fossil corporations!

Video messages from Patricia Namirembe, Fridays for Future Uganda and Coedie McAvoy, Wangan and Jagalingou, on the occasion of the Deutsche Bank 2022 Annual General Meeting:


Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/deutsche-bank/get-out-of-financing-fossil-corporations/

Continued funding of coal, illegal mining, nuclear weapons: Our countermotion

Re Agenda Item 3: Ratification of the acts of management of the members of the Management Board for the 2021 financial year

The Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany proposes that ratification of the acts of management of the Management Board be refused.

The Management Board of Deutsche Bank AG has failed to uphold its own commitment to comply with international climate targets and sustainable finance.

Lending to the coal industry continues

Despite the tightened 2020 framework for managing environmental and social risks and having signed the climate commitment of the German financial sector and the Net Zero Banking Alliance, Deutsche Bank is still a major lender to companies in the fuel industry. Weiterlesen

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/deutsche-bank/continued-funding-of-coal-illegal-mining-nuclear-weapons-our-countermotion/

Civil Society Position Statement on the proposed EU regulation on deforestation-free products

We, the undersigned organisations, welcome the European Commission’s proposalfor a new EU regulation on deforestation-free products. This proposal represents an essential step forward in global environmental governance and a huge opportunity to minimise the EU’s impacts on people and planet in line with its commitments on climate, biodiversity and human rights. It is now up to the European Parliament and Member States to preserve and improve the essential elements of the Commission’s proposal and deliver a strong and ambitious law that meets the high expectations of EU citizens. To that end, we call on the European Parliament and Member States to ensure the current proposal is strengthened to include:

  1. Strong sustainability requirements based on objective criteria that ensure no goods linked to deforestation or forest degradation, as foreseen in the Commission’s proposal, but also to the conversion of other natural ecosystems or human rights violations, may be placed on or exported from the EU market.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.kritischeaktionaere.de/en/human-rights-due-diligence/civil-society-position-statement-on-the-proposed-eu-regulation-on-deforestation-free-products/